Download app and Register account
- Download HomeMate Smart App from App Store or Google Play.
- Use link to download HomeMate Smart app -
- You can scan the QR code below to download the HomeMate Smart App:
You can also search “HomeMate Smart” in either App Store or Google Play to install the App.
2. Open App and register your account.
3. Create Home in Home Management Setting.
Steps to Add Family Member
- Make sure the other family member also has the HomeMate app and HomeMate registered account.
- Tap on the Smart product that you want to share with the other family member then tap on the pencil icon located in the top right corner.
- Tap on "Share Device"
- Tap on "Add Sharing" and select confirm (If it ask for the permission)
- Now enter the other family member's HomeMate registered account then click on "Done"
- The other family member will receive a notification regarding the same, once they are added.
- The other family member can open the HomeMate App to see the shared product.
You can share the Home created in Home Management to another family member so that they can control all the products added in a room.
- First create a Home and add all the HomeMate Smart Product in it. You can check this link (Create Home in Home Management Setting.)
- Tap on "Me" to go on profile section then "Home Management"
- Now tap on the Home that you want to share with other Family Member
- Tap on "Add Member"
- There are different ways to take authorization but we suggest you to use "App Account"
- Provide the information and other family member's HomeMate account Email. Also you can select the role like common member or administrator.
- Then tap on "Save" the other Family Member will get a request in their HomeMate App. Simply accept it and you will see the Home added.
Important links:
For Alexa linking process, click here.
For Google Assistant linking, click here.
For whatsapp support, click here
For any issue or query, mail us at or call +91-838-404-8232 between 10 am to 6 pm.
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